Had a nightmare last night....
After much struggle I managed to wake up...
I was back in my room . . . .closed my eyes once again.
I could hear rainfall outside and was glad it was going to rain...
I wanted to go back to sleep but I just had to use the man's room.
So I got up, had a look out of my window and paused.
There was no sign of any rain at all and it was really quiet.
Friday, October 11, 2013
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Another unexplained incident . . .

This happened yesterday evening. I was looking a shirt to wear but I didn't know why I couldn't take it out. That's when I realised that there was something on top of my shelf.... nah i just kidding, It just a pillow on top of the shelf. BUT if you look closely, you will realised that my shelf has fallen and is resting on the metal bar.It took me a while to see that and figure out what happened.
All the four hooks that support the wood, are still present. So how did this happened. In order to put it back, I had to tilt it 45 degrees upwards. Push it up so that it passes the first two hooks and then laid it to rest. So exactly how it happened behind close doors, really beats me.
And about ten minutes ago, I heard a noise coming from my dining hall. Like someone place a cup on the dining table. It gave a loud thumb. I thought it was my mum or sis, but they were fast asleep. So I came back and open this cupboard door, but everything's okay. Going to the dinning hall gave me goosebumps. Okay time to have my shower and head to bed. On a lighter note, Fast 6 was just awesome!!
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
The Uninvited Guest..
I realized that the bed in the master-bedroom no longer exists. Ever since my younger got a new queen size bed, my mum has been sleeping with her. Hence the master bedroom is not occupied and the bed becomes a replacement for cupboards. The clothes usually belonging to my mum & sis.
So today, after work i realized that the bed is no longer there, My sis mentioned that she had the movers come in earlier today to remove it. I was thinking might as well as it is collecting dust. Then my sis told me earlier in the morning as she was helping my mum to the toilet (in the master bedroom); they saw an old Indian lady sleeping on the bed. Hence why they got rid of the bed. I just replied. 'Poor old lady has no place to sleep now'. Well, honestly, I have not seen anything in the room no matter what is the time. Now the room being more vacant without the bed, it feels more eerie. Well, will see if there is any new developments.
On a separate note, my supervisor asked to keep her company earlier today as she needed to finish some paper work and she didn't want to stay alone. So I teased her if she's afraid of ghosts. She then told me that one of our colleagues who working late last week heard 'heavy breathing' coming from my supervisor's cubicle. My supervisor wished that she had kept the information to herself. Now she's afraid to stay alone at work.
There have also been unconfirmed reports by call centre staffs from another dept who have seen the chairs moving in our dept. [They end their shifts later than us & the toilets are nearer to our dept. So they will have to pass by our section to go to the loo] I have personally not heard or seen anything, as I would be listening to Kiss FM or have ASOT on You Tube if I am working late. And if you know ASOT is not meant to heard on a minimal volume and yes, it just blocks of everything. A lesson I learnt a long time back from my first company. But of course back then there was no you tube but I had a cd player n powered speakers. :)
On a separate note, my supervisor asked to keep her company earlier today as she needed to finish some paper work and she didn't want to stay alone. So I teased her if she's afraid of ghosts. She then told me that one of our colleagues who working late last week heard 'heavy breathing' coming from my supervisor's cubicle. My supervisor wished that she had kept the information to herself. Now she's afraid to stay alone at work.
There have also been unconfirmed reports by call centre staffs from another dept who have seen the chairs moving in our dept. [They end their shifts later than us & the toilets are nearer to our dept. So they will have to pass by our section to go to the loo] I have personally not heard or seen anything, as I would be listening to Kiss FM or have ASOT on You Tube if I am working late. And if you know ASOT is not meant to heard on a minimal volume and yes, it just blocks of everything. A lesson I learnt a long time back from my first company. But of course back then there was no you tube but I had a cd player n powered speakers. :)
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Nightmares revisited. . .
Was going through my other blog when I realized that I did blog about my nightmares too. As I read it, it did give chills too . . .
"guess my nightmares are getting too real these days. well, my house has always had a history of paranormal activities, no kidding. it started from my old house in toa payoh which was a three room flat. had one too many incidents there and some of which will will be remembered like forever. now at my present place, although we've been here since '85. some saga just won't die!!! =p
"guess my nightmares are getting too real these days. well, my house has always had a history of paranormal activities, no kidding. it started from my old house in toa payoh which was a three room flat. had one too many incidents there and some of which will will be remembered like forever. now at my present place, although we've been here since '85. some saga just won't die!!! =p
anyway, i won't go into details cause it will take forever. so let me share my experiences of late. the first was a couple of years ago, when i was sleeping. all of the sudden, u know the same 'mambo jambo' feeling that something bad was going to happen and u can't move shit. well yea, i had the mambo jambo feeling and at the same time, i heard voices. a single voice that multiplied as it went by, didn't know what the fuck they were saying but i had a thousand voices talking to me at the same time. it just grew louder and louder and louder till i heard (if i was not mistaken) my eldest niece's voice, 'uncle get up!!' (my niece is not staying with me). I got up, everything was dead silent and the feeling i had was really empty. As if I was the last person on earth, although i know my mum was sleeping in the next room. I could say the feeling was something i don't want to feel again, tried very hard to go back to sleep again but i just couldn't, so i send sms to my friends and thank that one of them was a night owl who kept me company till i cld sleep again.
after that incident never really happened to me or in my room till recently. i was fast asleep having a normal dream which i was back at my old work place. walking around as if i own the company. =p came to two rooms and realise that hey i was dreaming!!! so i tried to control my dream. (if u guys have not done that, try it, it's fun =p) . anyways, when i realised that i was dreaming and just as i was about to take control of my dream, i had the 'mambo-jambo' feeling again. but i was still in my dream and everything was bright and merry. so i went exploring to find out the source of it. (yeah i am like that). As i did that, a gush of cold wind blew my blanket which was at my feet of my bed. i open my eyes (u ready for this), and saw the freaking thing was in my god-damn room and not in my dream!!! i was life wtf!!!! i saw like three panda like figures, one after another. each asking me to come with the means of the fingers.... then one by one it disappeared. then from my bed, i saw another figure, this time it was the ring master (not sure which circus let him off) all dressed in a tux floating towards me. The ring master also had his finger motioning me to come. Half me wanted to shut my eyes and pray that it will disappear but half of me, wanted to see this for real. so yeah, i tried by best to look at this figure coming towards me but i couldn't move. then i shouted for my almighty GOD, and it vanished. i was like relieved but i was pissed as the damn thing was in my room!!!! nightmares are meant to be nightmares and never cross the line. sheezz.
i almost had another encounter of which i had the 'mambo-jambo' feeling again, i knew it was going to be pretty scary but the funny thing is that i think i fell into deep sleep cause i was really tired. so nothing happened.... i think, coz couldn't remember anything.
the latest thing that happened to me, was this morning. this time was pretty weird, cause there was no 'mambo-jambo' feeling or what sort. i was nicely sleeping and when something shook me up from my sleep.... literally. i was sleeping on my right hand side in a crouching position when i felt something held my head and feet and shook me twice; it had big hands i must say. i woke up but there was nothing there. was really puzzled, tried to analyse it and went back to sleep. till now, i was thinking was it for real or was i dreaming. well it was certainly weird.
well, my nightmares are getting too real. do they have reality shows now too.. damn!!! i will update if anything happens again."
Blogged on 31 August 2010 (www.rochster.blogspot.com)
Blogged on 31 August 2010 (www.rochster.blogspot.com)
The Monitor Incident
This happened just last week.... on my makeshift desk, there's also a 170/S Philips monitor which I hardly used. Well, I did use it a couple of months ago as a monitor for my lap top. Did make a difference for awhile but then I gave up the idea. So I unplugged it and off the monitor.
So one day as I was on my laptop doing some stuffs and chatting with an online friend, the monitor suddenly just turned on. I was like okaaayyyyyy. The output from the screen was the usual one - it read, no signal. I carried on what I was doing as I thought it may have been a cable or something else that might have hit the on-button. A logical explanation until I tried to switch the monitor off . . . .
The on/off button was just too hard to press. I tried a few times till I gave up and switch off the main power.
And yes, I carried on what I was doing, good thing the monitor didn't switch on again. Otherwise, I would be totally freaked out. Soon I would have to call the Ghostbusters or Stephen Chow. :D
The on/off button was just too hard to press. I tried a few times till I gave up and switch off the main power.
And yes, I carried on what I was doing, good thing the monitor didn't switch on again. Otherwise, I would be totally freaked out. Soon I would have to call the Ghostbusters or Stephen Chow. :D
Good Nights and sleep tight!!
Monday, March 11, 2013
The Bathroom Incident
Okay, this happened last week but I can't recall if this happened on a Friday or Saturday morning. The first incident, I was getting ready for work, I was in the kitchen making myself a drink when I heard a sound coming from my bathroom. So I went to investigate and found my Adidas shower gel on the bathroom floor. My shower gel usually sits on my basin and it's quite empty. Even if it fell, it would fall into the basin and that I would have a logical explanation. But to find it on the floor means it might have lift up at 30 deg, flew over my basin n landed on the floor. Or something just lift it up, threw it on the floor. I stood there thinking and thinking but no logical explanation as to how the gel ended up on the floor. So I picked it up, put it back on the basin and left for work.
Second incident, it was a Saturday evening I was about to meet some friends. I was in my room and as I walked into my dining hall, I heard the tap running in my kitchen bathroom so I presume that my mum was in the bathroom. BUT my mum was in the hall watching TV and she was thinking that I already left the house to buy her dinner. Then I was like, so who's in the bathroom.. So I went over to check found out that the tap was on full blast. I switched off quickly, My tap is those lift up to open, and down to close.As simple as that, and even though my mum couldn't recall things that happened like if she left the tap running. I know she wouldn't have forgotten to turn off the tap as she has never left a tap running. This really gave me goosebumps. I went for a movie after that and I opted to watch '21 and over' instead of the Thai Horror movie '9.9.8'.
First the shower-gel, then the running tap.. what's next? I guess I have to wait till weekend to find out what's gonna happen. I am beginning to think that there's something in my house, or maybe in my bathroom. There's where I shower everyday. Well, if it continues, I will blog about it.
'Ain't nothing gonna break my stride, ain't nothing gonna hold me down.. oh no, oh no, I just gotta keep on moving'
'Ain't nothing gonna break my stride, ain't nothing gonna hold me down.. oh no, oh no, I just gotta keep on moving'
Saturday, January 26, 2013
The Neighbor Indicidents
This started a few years ago. We've been hearing knocks on my neighbour's door. Usually it's three loud thuds on the door. The thing you can hardly put yr hand through my neighbour's gate. So to do a loud knock on my neighbour's door is certainly out of the question. Yes, I do look but there is no one there.
However, lately the knocks just got heavier and it didn't just stop at three knocks like just now. Of course there were intervals cause making four or five knocks won't seem right would it. So three knocks *pause* (then slightly later) another three knocks (a bit louder) *long pause* another three knocks or was it two. I being curious and all, went to look and saw..................nothing of course. BUT it did give me goose bumps as I heard some other noises as well. It always happen during this time which is like 2ish or so. Not sure why or what it is but will update if it's getting weirder.
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