Monday, October 26, 2015

27/10/15 - What sorcery is this?

Today I had another 'wtf moment' 

Recently I have a number of warts reappearing on my neck. Sometimes in the morning I find a strand of women hair on my body. Like don't know how the F it got there. 

This morning was not different .. I found a practically long strand of hair on my body when I was about to shower. (I didn't notice it when I woke up.) I tried to pull it but it was like stuck and I felt a slight pain on my neck. So I had a look in the mirror thinking that it got tangled in my cross. 

I was dumbfounded at what I saw. The strand of hair was from a wart on my neck. It seem like it grew through my wart other side of the hair was sticking out of it. Tried to pull it but it was freaking pain. So I used a scissors to cut the hair.  So the other strand is still stuck in it.

It just happened overnight and the strand of hair was from my neck to my waist. That freaking long...! Like sorcery is this??? 

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Strange Dream

I had a strange dream but I can't recall if it was ytd or the day before. I only remembered the dream today on the way to work. 

I dreamt I was on a bed and I was having difficulty beating. I was all alone and I could see bright day light on my right side which seems it was in a day time. I couldn't see what's on my kerf even though I was laying on my back. So there  I was having difficulty breathing and it just got worse. Then fear crapped in; realizing the fact that if I don't wake up from this dream, I'll see the gates of heaven really soon.... Now here's the strange part. I don't remember waking up from that dream...... 

Saturday, May 9, 2015

The dark figure

I couldn't quite sleep last night so I kept myself occupied with my handphone. So there I was just laying down on my left side but vertically on my bed. Then I saw a dark figure just passed beside my bed. I wasn't sure if it vanish or decided to test the comfort of my bed. And of course, I didn't want to turn around to start a conversation cause I was freaking out. So I prayed and prayed and boom!! I woked up and it was about 7ish. So it was just a dream or something that I couldn't see when I awake. I guess it was just a dream as I was just too tired. 
Realised it's been 5 mths since I had a strange encounter. Will update if anything decides to visit again. Peace out.