Monday, October 26, 2015

27/10/15 - What sorcery is this?

Today I had another 'wtf moment' 

Recently I have a number of warts reappearing on my neck. Sometimes in the morning I find a strand of women hair on my body. Like don't know how the F it got there. 

This morning was not different .. I found a practically long strand of hair on my body when I was about to shower. (I didn't notice it when I woke up.) I tried to pull it but it was like stuck and I felt a slight pain on my neck. So I had a look in the mirror thinking that it got tangled in my cross. 

I was dumbfounded at what I saw. The strand of hair was from a wart on my neck. It seem like it grew through my wart other side of the hair was sticking out of it. Tried to pull it but it was freaking pain. So I used a scissors to cut the hair.  So the other strand is still stuck in it.

It just happened overnight and the strand of hair was from my neck to my waist. That freaking long...! Like sorcery is this??? 

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Strange Dream

I had a strange dream but I can't recall if it was ytd or the day before. I only remembered the dream today on the way to work. 

I dreamt I was on a bed and I was having difficulty beating. I was all alone and I could see bright day light on my right side which seems it was in a day time. I couldn't see what's on my kerf even though I was laying on my back. So there  I was having difficulty breathing and it just got worse. Then fear crapped in; realizing the fact that if I don't wake up from this dream, I'll see the gates of heaven really soon.... Now here's the strange part. I don't remember waking up from that dream...... 

Saturday, May 9, 2015

The dark figure

I couldn't quite sleep last night so I kept myself occupied with my handphone. So there I was just laying down on my left side but vertically on my bed. Then I saw a dark figure just passed beside my bed. I wasn't sure if it vanish or decided to test the comfort of my bed. And of course, I didn't want to turn around to start a conversation cause I was freaking out. So I prayed and prayed and boom!! I woked up and it was about 7ish. So it was just a dream or something that I couldn't see when I awake. I guess it was just a dream as I was just too tired. 
Realised it's been 5 mths since I had a strange encounter. Will update if anything decides to visit again. Peace out.

Friday, December 26, 2014

A disturbance in the force..,

I do sense a disturbance in the force. A presence I have not felt for a long time and this time it's really evil. 

Two days ago I sense it coming from the master bedroom where the new helper is sleeping. I thought I was thinking too much and managed to go back to sleep.. 

BUT today I felt the presence in my room and it really did woke me up. I didn't want to find the helper doing a Katie beside my bed so I locked my room. Actually the thought of her, squatting n smiling at the foot of my bed send more chills down my spine. Okay maybe too much of Paranormal Activity. 

(But come on, you will freak out if your helper decides to do a Katie one early morning, won't you. :p) 

Anyways I still felt the presence so I checked my room but didn't see anything unusual. (Heng Ah!) So what's the next best thing to do? Update Facebook status! :p

Stay tune for more updates. I'm going back to sleep as it feel much better now. My guardian angels took a longer time battling evil this time. Should ask them to invest in lightsabers. It gets the job done much quicker. :D 

Good Morning!! 

Friday, October 11, 2013

Here comes the rain again?

Had a nightmare last night....
After much struggle I managed to wake up...
I was back in my room . . . .closed my eyes once again.
I could hear rainfall outside and was glad it was going to rain...
I wanted to go back to sleep but I just had to use the man's room.
So I got up, had a look out of my window and paused.
There was no sign of any rain at all and it was really quiet.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Another unexplained incident . . .

This happened yesterday evening. I was looking a shirt to wear but I didn't know why I couldn't take it out. That's when I realised that there was something on top of my shelf.... nah i just kidding, It just a pillow on top of the shelf. BUT if you look closely, you will realised that my shelf has fallen and is resting on the metal bar.It took me a while to see that and figure out what happened.

All the four hooks that support the wood, are still present. So how did this happened. In order to put it back, I had to tilt it 45 degrees upwards. Push it up so that it passes the first two hooks and then laid it to rest. So exactly how it happened behind close doors, really beats me.

And about ten minutes ago, I heard a noise coming from my dining hall. Like someone place a cup on the dining table. It gave a loud thumb. I thought it was my mum or sis, but they were fast asleep. So I came back and open this cupboard door, but everything's okay. Going to the dinning hall gave me goosebumps. Okay time to have my shower and head to bed. On a lighter note, Fast 6 was just awesome!!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Uninvited Guest..

I realized that the bed in the master-bedroom no longer exists. Ever since my younger got a new queen size bed, my mum has been sleeping with her. Hence the master bedroom is not occupied and the bed becomes a replacement for cupboards. The clothes usually belonging to my mum & sis.

So today, after work i realized that the bed is no longer there, My sis mentioned that she had the movers come in earlier today to remove it. I was thinking might as well as it is collecting dust. Then my sis told me earlier in the morning as she was helping my mum to the toilet (in the master bedroom); they saw an old Indian lady sleeping on the bed. Hence why they got rid of the bed. I just replied. 'Poor old lady has no place to sleep now'. Well, honestly, I have not seen anything in the room no matter what is the time. Now the room being more vacant without the bed, it feels more eerie. Well, will see if there is any new developments.

On a separate note, my supervisor asked to keep her company earlier today as she needed to finish some paper work and she didn't want to stay alone. So I teased her if she's afraid of ghosts. She then told me that one of our colleagues who working late last week heard 'heavy breathing' coming from my supervisor's cubicle. My supervisor wished that she had kept the information to herself. Now she's afraid to stay alone at work.

There have also been unconfirmed reports by call centre staffs from another dept who have seen the chairs moving in our dept. [They end their shifts later than us & the toilets are nearer to our dept. So they will have to pass by our section to go to the loo] I have personally not heard or seen anything, as I would be listening to Kiss FM or have ASOT on You Tube if I am working late. And if you know ASOT is not meant to  heard on a minimal volume and yes, it just blocks of everything. A lesson I learnt a long time back from my first company. But of course back then there was no you tube but I had a cd player n powered speakers. :)